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appanage a grant of land or revenue made by a king or queen to a dependent member of the royal family. [1/2 definitions]
Brunhild in the anonymous German medieval epic The Nibelungenlied, the queen of Iceland.
chess1 a game of strategy for two people in which each player starts with a king and queen, two each of bishops, knights, and rooks, and eight pawns and in which the object is to trap the opponent's king.
Cleopatra a queen of Egypt (69-30 B.C.).
colony collapse disorder an event in which all or most of the worker bees of a hive disappear, leaving in the hive the queen, the immature bees, and some adult bees to care for the immature bees, and the honey.
crown a circlet or headdress, often made of precious materials, worn by a king, queen, emperor, or other monarch, usu. on state occasions, as a symbol of sovereignty. [1/21 definitions]
Dido in the ancient Roman epic poem The Aeneid by Virgil, the queen of Carthage who detains Aeneas, then kills herself after he abandons her. [1/2 definitions]
drone1 a male honeybee or other male bee, whose only function is to impregnate the queen. [1/3 definitions]
Elizabeth I the queen of England from 1558 to 1603 (b.1533--d.1603).
Elizabeth II the queen of the United Kingdom and British Commonwealth from 1952 to 2022 (b. 1926--d. 2022).
face card any king, queen, or jack in a regular deck of playing cards.
grace (usu. cap.) a conventional title used in speaking to a duke, duchess, or archbishop, and formerly to a king or queen (usu. prec. by "His," "Her," or "Your"). [1/10 definitions]
kingdom a country that is ruled by a king or queen. [1/3 definitions]
lady-in-waiting a lady of a royal court who serves a queen or princess.
Leda in Greek mythology, a queen of Sparta to whom Zeus, in the form of a swan, made love.
maid of honor the unmarried attendant of a queen or princess, usu. a woman of noble birth. [1/2 definitions]
May Day the first day of May, celebrated traditionally by a dance around a Maypole and the crowning of a May queen, and recently established in some countries as a holiday in honor of international labor.
Maying the celebration of May Day by dancing, gathering flowers, or crowning a May queen.
May queen a girl or young woman chosen as queen of the celebrants and crowned with flowers on May Day.
mid-Victorian pertaining to, characteristic of, or taking place during the middle period of Queen Victoria's reign in Great Britain. [1/3 definitions]
monarch a sole, often hereditary ruler such as a king, queen, or emperor. [1/2 definitions]