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angelfish any of several types of related tropical fishes having bright colors, winglike fins, and short, circular bodies.
barracuda any of several long-bodied, fiercely predacious marine tropical fishes.
cichlid any of a large family (Cichlidae) of mostly freshwater tropical fish, some of which are commonly found in aquariums.
Cichlidae a large and diverse family of mostly freshwater tropical fish.
tetra any of several small brightly colored tropical fish that are common in fresh water aquariums.
trunkfish any of various tropical fishes with a boxlike body that is covered with fused bony plates from which only the mouth, eyes, fins, and tail protrude.
wrasse any of various usu. brightly colored tropical fish with thick lips and strong teeth.
zebrafish a small freshwater tropical fish that has zebralike stripes and is often kept in aquariums.