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Dictionary Suite
air raid a military raid by aircraft, esp. bombers.
all clear the signal that an air raid or disaster drill is over.
blackout the extinguishing or hiding of all the lights of a city or region, as in a power failure or air raid. [1/4 definitions]
counterraid combined form of raid.
forage a search for provisions or supplies, as in a military raid. [2/6 definitions]
foray a quick raid or sudden advance, usu. military and often to take forage or plunder. [2/3 definitions]
harry to raid and leave desolate, as by a military action. [2/3 definitions]
incursion a raid or sudden invasion. [1/2 definitions]
maraud to rove about in search of plunder; make a raid. [2 definitions]
prey to attack or raid and pillage. [1/7 definitions]
raid to make a raid on. [2/3 definitions]