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Dictionary Suite
calamus a wild iris known as the sweet flag, or its aromatic root. [1/3 definitions]
cornea the portion of the eyeball's outer coating that is transparent and covers the iris and pupil.
crocus any of several small plants, related to the iris, that grow from a bulb and bloom in early spring with a single colorful flower.
crystalline lens a transparent, biconvex, lenslike body in the eye, between the iris and the vitreous humor, that focuses light on the retina.
flag2 any of a variety of plants characterized by long, flat, pointed leaves, such as the iris, blue flag, or cattail.
fleur-de-lis an iris. [1/2 definitions]
freesia a southern African plant of the iris family that bears clusters of fragrant funnel-shaped flowers.
gladiolus any of numerous plants of the iris family that have colorful flowers growing on long, erect stems, or a flower or a stem of flowers from such a plant.
orrisroot the fragrant root of any of several species of iris, used in making perfumes and cosmetics.