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ablate to wear away or otherwise remove (a surface), as by heat or erosion. [1/2 definitions]
chafe to abrade, irritate, or wear away by rubbing. [1/6 definitions]
corrode to cause to wear away by degrees, esp. by chemical action. [1/3 definitions]
deteriorate to wear away; break down little by little. [1/4 definitions]
erode to slowly wear away, eat into, or destroy by the action of friction, or as if by friction. [1/3 definitions]
gnaw to wear away gradually, as if by gnawing. [1/6 definitions]
scour1 to open up (a pipe, channel, or the like) by forcing water through, or to wear away by water erosion. [1/7 definitions]
waste to diminish or wear away gradually. [1/18 definitions]