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blackberry the thorny bush that bears this fruit. [1/2 definitions]
blackthorn a thorny European shrub with many branches, bearing white flowers and bluishblack, plumlike fruit. [1/2 definitions]
brier1 any of several thorny plants or shrubs, esp. the sweetbrier or greenbrier. [2 definitions]
buckthorn any of various thorny trees or shrubs that bear small greenish flowers and purple berries. [1/2 definitions]
greasewood a thorny shrub native to western North America that contains a small amount of oil and is often used for fuel. [1/2 definitions]
honey locust a North American tree having long, beanlike pods with sweet pulp, delicate foliage, and thorny branches.
Japanese quince a thorny shrub of the rose family that bears pink or red flowers and hard, sweet-smelling, greenish yellow fruit. [1/2 definitions]
lemon the thorny evergreen tree on which this fruit grows. [1/5 definitions]
logwood a tropical American tree that has a hard brownish red heartwood, thorny branches, and yellow flowers. [1/2 definitions]
matrimony vine a thorny shrub of the nightshade family that is cultivated for its foliage, small pink flowers, and red berries; boxthorn.
Osage orange a small thorny tree of the mulberry family, native to the midwestern United States, that is often used in hedgerows. [1/2 definitions]
rose1 any of numerous wild or cultivated shrubs or vines that have compound leaves and usu. thorny stems and bear showy, usu. fragrant flowers composed of many petals. [1/7 definitions]
rugosa rose a variety of hardy rose having very thorny stems and rough leaves, often used for hedges.
spiny having or covered with spines or similar projections; thorny. [1/3 definitions]
thorn apple the fruit of certain thorny plants such as the hawthorn. [1/2 definitions]
tragacanth any of various low-growing, thorny Asian shrubs that produce a gummy substance which is used commercially. [1/2 definitions]
verdin a small gray titmouse that has a yellow head, lives in the southwestern United States and Mexico, and builds a spherical nest of thorny twigs.