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abacus a device used to make arithmetic calculations, consisting of a frame with parallel rods or grooves that hold movable counters such as beads.
abalone a large edible marine snail, the shell of which is lined with mother-of-pearl.
abandon to leave (someone or something) with no intention of returning or taking up possession again. [1/6 definitions]
abatis an obstacle constructed by bending and sharpening the branches of trees or implanting sharpened limbs in a soil barricade, sometimes interlaced with barbed wire.
abhor to regard with intense loathing or horror; detest.
abide by to comply with; agree to.
abnormal psychology the branch of psychology that is concerned with patterns of behavior, thought, and feeling that deviate greatly from average patterns.
abolish to do away with; put a stop to; end. [1/2 definitions]
abolition the act of doing away with or putting an end to; the act of abolishing or state of being abolished. [1/2 definitions]
Abominable Snowman a large manlike animal covered with hair, said to live in the Himalayas; yeti.
abound to be full; teem (usu. fol. by "with" or "in"). [1/2 definitions]
about connected or associated with. [1/12 definitions]
abrogate to do away with; set aside. [1/2 definitions]
absent-minded not paying attention to the immediate task or event because one's mind is preoccupied with other matters.
absent without leave absent without permission from assigned military duty, but not necessarily with the intention of deserting; AWOL.
absinthe a bitter green liqueur with high alcohol content, made from wormwood and herbs. [1/2 definitions]
abstract formulated in the mind or in thought and not necessarily connected with what is real, proven, or tangible. [1/13 definitions]
abundant abounding with; teeming. [1/2 definitions]
abusive inclined to treat others with cruelty or disrespect. [1/4 definitions]
abuzz filled with buzzing. [2 definitions]
-ac characterized by, or afflicted with. [1/2 definitions]