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denominate to name specifically; denote or designate. [1/2 definitions]
exponent in mathematics, a symbol placed to the right of and above another, to denote the power to which the other is to be raised. [1/3 definitions]
fa in music, the syllable used to denote the fourth tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [1/2 definitions]
JPEG abbreviation of "Joint Photographic Experts Group," used to denote the cross-platform image file format based on this committee's image compression algorithm, or such a file itself, and, shortened to jpg, used as the filename extension for files in this format.
la in music, the syllable used to denote the sixth tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [1/2 definitions]
M- used with a number to denote equipment produced for U.S. military use, such as the M-16 rifle.
mean1 to intend to denote or express. [1/9 definitions]
minus the mathematical sign (-) used to denote subtraction or negation; minus sign. [1/7 definitions]
ordinal any of the numbers, such "first," "third," or "fifteenth," that denote a position in a numbered order; ordinal number. [1/3 definitions]
represent to denote or serve as a symbol for. [1/8 definitions]
si1 in music, a syllable sometimes used instead of "ti" to denote the seventh tone of a diatonic scale.
sol-fa in music, the syllables "do," "re," "mi," "fa," "sol," "la," and "ti," used to denote the tones of a diatonic scale in any key. [1/3 definitions]