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afternoon the period between noon and evening. [2 definitions]
a.m. abbreviation of "ante meridiem" (Latin); the period from midnight until noon.
Angelus (often l.c.) a prayer recited by some Roman Catholics at morning, noon, and night in memory of the Annunciation. [1/2 definitions]
forenoon the part of the day before noon; morning.
high noon precisely noon. [1/2 definitions]
meridian of or pertaining to the hour of noon, when the sun is at the celestial meridian. [1/7 definitions]
morning the earliest part of the day, beginning about sunrise and ending about noon. [2/4 definitions]
noonday midday; noon. [1/2 definitions]
p.m. abbreviation of "post meridiem" (Latin); after noon, or the period of time from noon until midnight.
postmeridian of, pertaining to, or occurring in the afternoon; after noon.
prenoon combined form of noon.