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Dictionary Suite
adorable utterly charming; extremely cute. [1/2 definitions]
beguile to give pleasure by charming. [1/3 definitions]
cute attractive or charming in a sweet or heartwarming way; darling. [2/3 definitions]
cutie (informal) a charming or attractive person, animal, or thing, esp. a girl or young woman.
debonair having or marked by a charming and carefree but polite manner; suave.
enchanting charming, fascinating, or bewitching.
enchantress a charming or fascinating woman. [1/2 definitions]
engaging able to attract and hold one's interest; charming; pleasing; attractive.
idyll a charming, usu. rural scene or event; suitable material for an idyll. [1/4 definitions]
ingratiating having a charming or winning quality. [1/2 definitions]
lovely physically beautiful in an especially charming way. [2/3 definitions]
magical mysterious and charming. [1/2 definitions]
neat (informal) appealing; charming in a novel way. [1/6 definitions]
precious very cute; charming; adorable. [1/6 definitions]
quaint unusual in an interesting or charming way. [1/2 definitions]
taking charming in appearance or manner; winning; captivating. [1/4 definitions]
uncharming combined form of charming.
winning charming or attractive. [1/4 definitions]
winsome attractive or charming; winning.