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backcheck in hockey, to check (an opposing player) in the vicinity of one's own goal. (Cf. forecheck.)
ball girl a girl or young woman who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in field hockey or volleyball.
crease a special mark or marked area in a field game such as cricket or hockey. [1/6 definitions]
defenseman in the sports of hockey or lacrosse, a player or a team member who is assigned a position close to the goal in order to prevent the other team from scoring.
face-off in ice hockey, the initiation of play in which the referee drops the puck between two opposing team members who then contend for control of it. [1/2 definitions]
field hockey a form of hockey that is played with a small ball on a field, rather than with a puck on ice.
forecheck in hockey, to check (an opposing player) in the vicinity of the opponent's goal. (Cf. backcheck.)
goal in various sports such as hockey, football, and basketball, a structure through which one must hit, throw, or kick a ball or puck in order to score. [1/3 definitions]
goalkeeper the player who is responsible for defending his or her team's goal in soccer, hockey, lacrosse, and the like.
goalpost in other games such as soccer and hockey, either of the two upright posts at the front of the goal. [1/2 definitions]
goaltender on a team, a defensive position assigned to protect the goal, esp. in soccer, hockey, or lacrosse.
hockey a sport played on ice, in which two teams of six skating players each try to drive a puck into each other's goal using angled hockey sticks; ice hockey. [2 definitions]
ice in hockey, to shoot (the puck) from one's defensive zone across the end line of the opposing team's defensive zone. [1/12 definitions]
ice hockey see "hockey."
net1 something made of such a fabric, as in various sports such as tennis, basketball, hockey, and soccer. [1/6 definitions]
offside ahead of the ball or puck, or beyond the line or area prescribed by the rules of a sport such as hockey or football.
pad1 in sports such as hockey and football, any of various thick fabrications worn as protective equipment for elbows, knees, shoulders, and the like. [1/12 definitions]
penalty box an enclosure to the side of a hockey rink where penalized players must stay.
penalty shot in ice hockey, a free shot at the goal taken by a player from the four meter line after skating in from the center spot, usu. awarded when the opposing team has illegally prevented a goal.
power play a situation, as in hockey, in which one team is shorthanded because one or more players are in the penalty box. [1/3 definitions]
puck in ice hockey, the hard rubber disk that players try to hit into the net for goals.