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Dictionary Suite
bite a quick meal; snack. [1/19 definitions]
candy bar a sweet in the form of a bar, often made of chocolate or of chocolate along with other ingredients such as caramel, nougat, nuts, and the like, eaten as a snack.
crudités cut-up raw vegetables, usu. served with a dip, as an appetizer or party snack.
gorp a mixture of raisins, nuts, dry cereal, and the like eaten as a high-energy snack; trail mix.
granola a dry, often baked mixture of grains, raisins, nuts, honey, and the like, eaten as a snack or breakfast cereal.
junk food prepackaged snack food that is low in nutritional value but usu. high in calories.
nosh (informal) a snack, esp. a forbidden tidbit eaten secretly. [2 definitions]
popcorn the popped kernels of such corn, eaten as a snack food. [1/2 definitions]
snack to eat a quick, light meal, or part of one, esp. between normal mealtimes; have a snack. [1/3 definitions]