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adenosine an organic compound that is made up of adenine and ribose and found in nucleic acids, and that may be obtained as a white crystalline powder through the hydrolysis of yeast.
baba au rhum a light, porous cake, usu. made with yeast and sometimes containing raisins or other dried fruit, that is soaked with rum before serving.
barm yeast foam that appears atop fermenting malt liquors.
biotin a compound considered part of the vitamin B complex, found in milk, egg yolks, and yeast.
biscuit an unsweetened bread in the shape of a small cake, made with a generous amount of shortening and leavened with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. [1/4 definitions]
brioche a sweet, airy bun or roll made with butter, yeast, flour, and eggs.
English muffin a small, round, flat yeast roll, often baked on a griddle, and usu. split and toasted before eating.
ergosterol a sterol derived from yeast which produces vitamin D2, used to prevent or cure certain diseases such as rickets.
ferment any of various substances, such as an enzyme or yeast, that cause fermentation. [1/8 definitions]
fermentation the chemical act or process, caused by a fermenting agent, of converting a carbohydrate into alcohol, acids, and other compounds, as yeast converts the sugar in grape juice into alcohol, producing wine. [1/2 definitions]
French bread a long, slender loaf of yeast bread made with white flour and having a crisp crust.
kuchen a German coffee cake made with yeast dough and usu. containing fruits, nuts, and the like.
leaven a substance, such as yeast, that produces fermentation in a dough or batter and causes it to rise. [1/4 definitions]
leavening an agent such as yeast or baking powder that causes the formation of carbon dioxide gas in batter or dough, causing it to expand and rise. [1/2 definitions]
raised of baked goods, leavened with yeast or other ferment rather than baking powder or soda. [1/2 definitions]
rise of bread and the like, to swell because of the action of yeast or some other ingredient. [1/24 definitions]
sourdough fermented dough used instead of yeast to cause bread to rise.
stollen a sweet yeast bread, usu. containing chopped nuts, raisins, and bits of citron.
vitamin B complex a group of vitamins essential in human nutrition, found mainly in eggs, liver, yeast, and certain vegetables.
yeasty of, like, or made with yeast. [2/4 definitions]
zymase an enzyme found in yeast that decomposes sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.