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amice an oblong, white linen garment worn by clergymen around the neck and shoulders.
bar1 a solid mass of a substance often in the shape of an oblong block. [1/13 definitions]
basilica a large, oblong building of ancient Rome with a series of semicircular apses at one end, used as a public meeting hall or church. [1/2 definitions]
bassinet an oblong basket with a hood over one end, used as a cradle for infants.
cake a flattish oblong or round portion of food, formed or poured, and usu. baked or fried. [1/4 definitions]
éclair an oblong pastry filled with whipped cream or custard and usu. frosted with chocolate.
fig any of several broad-leafed trees native to the Mediterranean that bear oblong or pear-shaped soft fruit having many small seeds, or the fruit itself. [1/3 definitions]
kumquat the oblong, orange-colored fruit of such a tree, having a sweet, edible rind and a sharp-tasting pulp. [1/2 definitions]
loaf1 a usu. oblong or rectangular mass of bread or cake, shaped and baked in that form. [1/2 definitions]
muskmelon any of a variety of edible melons, usu. round or oblong in shape, with juicy flesh ranging from almost white to light orange or green in color.
oblong an object or figure with an oblong shape. [1/2 definitions]
papaya the oblong yellow fruit of a palmlike tropical American tree, or the tree itself.
rubber1 in baseball, an oblong piece of rubber set in the pitcher's mound. [1/8 definitions]
shawl a usu. oblong piece of fabric, larger and heavier than a scarf, that is worn around the head and shoulders.
tuber a short, fleshy, rounded or oblong underground stem, such as the potato, with buds from which new shoots can grow. [1/2 definitions]
watermelon a large sweet fruit, round or oblong in shape, with a hard greenish rind and usu. red or pink watery pulp. [1/2 definitions]