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bean the edible seed or seed pod of several types of leguminous plants. [1/5 definitions]
boll a rounded pod or case enclosing the seeds of a plant such as cotton.
carob the pod of this tree, used in making beverages and candy that resemble chocolate, or used as fodder. [1/2 definitions]
chili the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant. [2/3 definitions]
chili pepper the strong, sharp-tasting pod of any of several varieties of a tropical pepper plant; chili.
follicle a dry seed vessel, such as a milkweed pod, that has a single chamber, having developed from a single ovary, and that splits open along one seam when mature. [1/3 definitions]
green bean a type of kidney bean characterized by its long thin green pod. [2 definitions]
peanut a pod, or one of the oily, nutlike, edible seeds it encloses, of a plant of the legume family that matures its seed pods underground. [1/2 definitions]
pyxis a seed pod that drops its seeds when the lid falls off, as in the purslane; pyxidium. [1/3 definitions]
shuck the protective outer covering of any of various vegetables, fruits, or shellfish; husk, pod, or shell. [1/3 definitions]
valvate in botany, meeting without overlapping, as the petals of some flowers, or opening with a valve, as a pea pod. [1/2 definitions]
wax bean the slender, waxy, yellow seed pod produced by this plant, harvested in its immature state for use as a table vegetable. [1/2 definitions]