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Dictionary Suite
cracked (informal) mentally unsound; eccentric or unpredictable in behavior. [1/3 definitions]
fallacious based on unsound logic; in error; illogical.
fallacy a logically unsound element in an argument or line of reasoning. [1/3 definitions]
ill unsound or faulty; inferior. [1/11 definitions]
rickety likely to fall over or fall apart; unsound; shaky. [1/4 definitions]
sophist any person using ingenious, usu. unsound arguments. [1/2 definitions]
sophistic of an argument or line of reasoning, plausible but unsound; specious. [1/3 definitions]
unbalanced very biased, unsound, or deranged, as the mind or judgment. [1/3 definitions]
unstable emotionally or mentally unsound. [1/5 definitions]
wildcat characterized by highly speculative, unsound, unofficial, or unethical business methods. [1/6 definitions]