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anatomy the science concerned with the structure or physiology of plants or animals. [1/4 definitions]
autonomic in physiology, of or relating to the autonomic nervous system. [1/3 definitions]
calcification in physiology, the hardening of tissue through deposition of calcium salts. [1/3 definitions]
calcify in physiology, to make or become bony or hard by the deposit of calcium salts. [1/2 definitions]
climacteric in physiology, a period in life of changing or decreasing physical capacities, such as menopause. [1/3 definitions]
colloid in physiology, any of several gelatinous bodily secretions. [1/3 definitions]
consensual in physiology, denoting an involuntary response on one side of the body to a stimulus applied to the other side. [1/2 definitions]
convergence in physiology, the coordinated movement of the eyes to focus on a near object or point. [1/4 definitions]
demineralization in physiology, the loss of bodily minerals. [1/2 definitions]
diastole in physiology, the normal rhythmic expansion of the heart chambers, during which the chambers fill with blood. (Cf. systole.)
efferent in physiology, carrying or directing away from an organ. (Cf. afferent.) [2 definitions]
hypertonic in physiology, of or pertaining to high tension in tissue, such as muscle tissue or arteries. [1/2 definitions]
hypotonic in physiology, of or pertaining to low tension in tissue, such as muscle tissue or arteries. [1/2 definitions]
idiosyncrasy a particular aspect of an individual's physiology, esp. an allergy or susceptibility to a drug. [1/2 definitions]
limen in physiology or psychology, the threshold of a response.
metabolite in physiology, any substance that is an intermediate or product of a chemical process occurring in the body.
neural network in physiology, an interconnected system of neurons that transmits information in a coordinated manner. [1/2 definitions]
neurobiology the scientific study of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.
Nobel prize any of the international prizes awarded annually for achievements in physics, chemistry, economics, medicine or physiology, literature, and the promotion of peace, by a Swedish foundation established according to the bequest of Alfred Nobel.
reuptake in physiology, the reabsorption of a neurotransmitter by a neuron following transmission of a nerve impulse.
uptake in physiology, a tissue's or organ's absorption of, or capacity to absorb, a chemical substance. [1/2 definitions]