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adjunct having temporary or part-time status on a staff or faculty. [1/4 definitions]
conscience the human faculty that enables one to decide between right and wrong conduct, esp. in regard to one's own actions. [1/2 definitions]
docent a lecturer at a college or university who is not a regular member of the faculty. [1/2 definitions]
facultative of or concerning a mental faculty. [1/3 definitions]
gown any long, loose-fitting piece of clothing, such as a nightgown or the ceremonial robe worn by college faculty members or members of the clergy. [2/4 definitions]
intellect the faculty of reasoning and understanding, esp. as distinct from emotion or will. [1/3 definitions]
interfaculty combined form of faculty.
mind the reasoning faculty, which thinks, judges, understands, and directs. [1/13 definitions]
nonfaculty combined form of faculty.
olfaction the faculty of perceiving odors; sense of smell. [1/2 definitions]
Sabbatical (usu. l.c.) a leave of absence granted usu. every seven years, and usu. for a year, as to college and university faculty members; sabbatical year. [1/3 definitions]
seeing the faculty of sight. [1/3 definitions]
speech the faculty of communicating by speaking, or the act of speaking. [1/7 definitions]
teach-in a period of uninterrupted lectures, speeches, and the like, conducted at a college or university by faculty members and others, often as a protest.
tutor a faculty member responsible for the individual instruction of a number of undergraduates at some British universities. [1/6 definitions]
will2 the act or process of exercising this faculty. [1/14 definitions]