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addax a large pale or whitish North African antelope that has long spiraling horns.
blackbuck a long-horned antelope native to India that has a brownish-black back and a white belly.
bongo1 an African antelope that is reddish brown with white stripes and has spiral-shaped horns.
chamois an antelope native to high mountain regions of Europe. [1/5 definitions]
gemsbok a large antelope of southern Africa that has long straight horns and a tufted tail.
gnu a large African antelope with an oxlike head, horns curving downward and outward, a beard and short mane, and a long tail.
impala a reddish brown African antelope known for its ability to leap and for the long, ridged, curved horns of the male.
klipspringer a small African mountain antelope.
kudu a large African antelope with narrow white stripes across the back and, in the male, long curved horns.
nilgai a large Indian antelope, the male of which is bluish gray with short horns and a black mane, and the female tawny with no horns.
nyala an East African antelope with spiral horns and with white stripes on the sides of its grayish coat.
oribi a small tan African antelope with straight short horns and a tuft of hair growing from each knee.
pronghorn a small, fleet deer of the western plains of North America that resembles an antelope and has small, forked horns curved rearward at the tips.
rhebok a rare, brownish gray antelope that lives on the rocky hillsides of South Africa.
Rocky Mountain goat a goatlike antelope, found esp. in the mountains of northwestern North America, that has short, black, backward-curving horns and a shaggy white coat.
sable antelope a large African antelope with long, ringed, backward-curving horns and a dark coat.
sassaby a large African antelope with a black back and face and curved horns.
steenbok a small antelope found in grassy areas of eastern and southern Africa.
wildebeest a large African antelope with an oxlike head, horns curving downward and outward, a beard and short mane, and a long tail; gnu.