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Facebook a U.S. corporation that developed a social media service in 2004. Users of this service can post status updates and exchange messages with a designated group of other users called "friends." [1/2 definitions]
friend a member of a person's social media group. [2/5 definitions]
hashtag a word or phase preceded by the hash sign (#), used in social media to identify or search for a particular topic.
like2 to show approval of content on a social media website by clicking a button. [2/8 definitions]
meme an online image or piece of language that catches the popular imagination and is repeated over and over in one form or another through social media, often becoming the basis of humor. [1/2 definitions]
tweet a message of up to 140 characters in length shared on the Twitter social media website, which was renamed "X" in 2023. [2/5 definitions]
twitter (cap.) former name a U.S. corporation that developed a social media service in 2006. The company is now called X Corp, and the service is called X. [1/8 definitions]
unfriend to remove (a person) from a designated list of friends on a social media website.
viral quickly and widely spread through social media. [1/2 definitions]
YouTube the social media service developed by the YouTube corporation. [1/2 definitions]