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Dictionary Suite
acclaimed highly praised.
ace a person who is highly skilled in a particular field; expert. [1/7 definitions]
acetone a chemical compound, highly volatile and flammable, used in making compounds and as a solvent, as in paints.
acetylene a highly flammable colorless gas used esp. to cut and weld metal and to give light.
agog highly excited and full of anticipation. [2 definitions]
alkali metal any of a group of highly reactive chemical elements, such as sodium and potassium, that are typically univalent cations forming various compounds, but that can be isolated as soft, low-density metals.
alkaline-earth metal any of a group of highly reactive chemical elements, such as calcium and magnesium, that are typically divalent cations and form compounds with various other elements.
arabesque a brief piece of highly ornamented music, usu. written for piano. [1/4 definitions]
Archean of, relating to, or designating the earlier of two geological periods of the Precambrian Era, ending approximately 2.5 billion years ago, during which highly crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks were formed; Early Precambrian; Archeozoic; azoic. [1/2 definitions]
astatine a highly radioactive chemical element of the halogen group that has eighty-five protons in each nucleus. (symbol: At)
atomic clock an extremely accurate timekeeping device regulated by the reliably constant frequency at which atoms of certain highly reactive substances absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation.
baker a person who bakes, esp. one who is highly skilled at baking or does it professionally. [1/2 definitions]
blot something that stands out as highly undesirable or ugly. [1/8 definitions]
bonobo any of a species of highly intelligent African ape related to but smaller than the chimpanzee and exhibiting various human-like behaviors. The bonobo's habitat in the wild is limited to an area within the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
bratwurst a highly seasoned pork and veal sausage.
Brazilian wandering spider any of a family of highly venomous, quick-moving, and aggressive spiders native to the rainforests of Brazil, also known as the banana spider for the frequency with which members of this family are found in bunches of bananas.
brown recluse spider a highly poisonous, medium-sized brown spider that has a dark, violin-shaped mark on its body.
cannel a variety of highly volatile, oily coal that burns readily and brightly; cannel coal.
censorious highly critical or disapproving.
cephalopod any of various marine mollusks, such as the octopus or squid, that have highly developed eyes, and tentacles attached to the head around the mouth.
cerium a highly reactive chemical element of the rare-earth group that has fifty-eight protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds. (symbol: Ce)