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Dictionary Suite
airing public exposure, as to discussion, scrutiny, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
analysis careful scrutiny of constituent parts in order to thoroughly understand the whole. [1/4 definitions]
analyze to separate into parts for close scrutiny; examine.
eyepiece the lens or lenses in an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope, through which one views the object or image under scrutiny.
introspection examination of one's own thoughts, emotions, and sensations; self-scrutiny.
keep tabs on (informal) to keep under close scrutiny; watch or observe carefully.
-opsy examination; scrutiny.
perusal a careful examination or scrutiny. [1/2 definitions]
pick over to examine with close scrutiny, as before buying.
self-examination a brief external physical scrutiny of oneself, as for unnatural lumps in the breasts or testes. [1/2 definitions]