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Dictionary Suite
calyx the outermost part of a flower, composed of usu. green sepals. [1/2 definitions]
cell wall the rigid outermost layer of a plant cell, which is made of cellulose.
dura mater the outermost of three fibrous membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. (See arachnoid, pia mater.)
ectoderm an animal embryo's outermost layer of cells, from which the skin, nervous system, and sense organs develop.
exocarp the outermost layer of a fruit, such as the skin of a peach; peel or rind; epicarp.
exosphere the outermost, least dense portion of the atmosphere.
malleus the outermost and largest of the three small bones in the middle ear of mammals.
outmost most distant from a fixed point or center; farthest out; outermost.
sheathing an outer layer or covering of boards, plywood, or other material applied to the frame of a house, underneath the outermost, weatherproof siding. [1/4 definitions]
wing tip the outermost edge of an airplane wing, bird's wing, or the like. [1/3 definitions]