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act behavior that is a pretense, sometimes insincere or meant to deceive. [1/14 definitions]
armhole an opening in a garment meant for the arm to pass through, as into a sleeve.
assurance an assertion meant to instill confidence. [1/3 definitions]
booth a stall or compartment meant to accommodate one person or a small group. [1/2 definitions]
chorus a musical composition meant to be sung by a large number of people. [1/6 definitions]
command a strong direction meant to be obeyed; order. [1/12 definitions]
double-talk ambiguous language meant to deceive people or evade problems or issues. [1/3 definitions]
dual-purpose serving or designed to serve two purposes; meant to have two functions.
example a punishment, or a recipient of a punishment, meant to serve as a warning to others. [1/4 definitions]
figurative not meant to be interpreted in a literal way; metaphorical. [1/3 definitions]
finger the part of a glove meant to cover a finger. [1/8 definitions]
imitation meant to resemble something natural or original. [1/4 definitions]
impression a performance, usually meant to amuse, in which someone imitates another person, esp. a celebrity or other well-known person. [1/6 definitions]
intention the aim or meaning something is meant to convey. [1/4 definitions]
josh a joke or teasing remark that is meant kindly. [1/2 definitions]
lithography the art or process of printing using a smooth stone or metal plate treated so that only the areas meant to print will absorb and transfer ink.
long-playing pertaining to a phonograph record meant to be played at thirty-three and one third revolutions per minute. (See "LP.")
LP abbreviation of "long-playing (record album)," a phonograph record meant to be played at thirty-three and one third revolutions per minute, or the music or other recorded material contained on it.
lyric meant or suited to be sung. [1/6 definitions]
magic trickery meant to entertain by suggesting such supernatural control; sleight of hand. [1/6 definitions]
mix a product consisting of blended dry elements meant to be mixed with liquid. [1/8 definitions]