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add to say or write beyond what has already been said or written. [1/5 definitions]
additionally in addition to what was already mentioned.
base1 to establish or construct (something new) on a particular basis or foundation that already exists. [1/7 definitions]
blasé unstimulated or unimpressed, usu. due to a feeling that one has already experienced more or better.
darning clothing or the like that needs to be mended in this fashion or has already been darned. [1/2 definitions]
double jeopardy the prosecution of a person for an offense for which he or she has already been tried.
existing already in existence.
extrapolate to make an estimate or inference of (future probability or the like) on the basis of what is already known or has already occurred. [1/3 definitions]
given a fact or concept already known, established, or assumed. [1/6 definitions]
grandfather clause a clause in certain laws, agreements, or the like that exempts from a control or restriction those already engaged in an act that the new law now forbids. [1/2 definitions]
hash1 a dish of chopped or minced food, usu. meat and vegetables that have already been cooked once, that is browned by frying or is reheated in gravy. [1/6 definitions]
have used with a past participle to express an action or state that occurred at some point before the time of speaking or began in the past but continues into the present time. Also used with a past participle to express an action or state that occurred before another event in the past or before a projected future event viewed as if it were already complete. [1/15 definitions]
her the female person or animal already mentioned (considered as an object of a verb or preposition). [1/2 definitions]
him the male human or animal already mentioned (considered as an object of a verb or preposition).
incorporate to include or blend into a larger thing that already exists. [1/5 definitions]
its the possessive form of "it"; belonging to or of that thing or animal already mentioned. [2 definitions]
loco citato (Latin) in the place cited (used to refer to a passage already mentioned). (abbr.: loc. cit.)
moreover beyond what has already been mentioned; in addition; furthermore.
on the contrary in contradiction to something already said.
overprint to print over or in addition to (that which has already been printed). [1/3 definitions]
past perfect a verb tense that indicates that an action or state was completed at some indefinite time before a moment in the past, as in "They had already gone". [1/2 definitions]