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concurrent resolution a resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislative body that is not legally binding and does not require the chief executive's signature.
house (cap.) shortened form of "House of Representatives," the lower legislative house in many bicameral governing bodies, as in the U.S. Congress, most U.S. states, and many nations, such as Australia and New Zealand. [1/13 definitions]
House of Representatives the lower legislative house in many bicameral governing bodies, as in the U.S. Congress, most U.S. states, and many nations, such as Australia and New Zealand.
joint committee a committee consisting of members from both houses of a bicameral legislature, or from two or more organizations.
joint resolution a resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislature.
lower house (often cap.) in a bicameral legislature, the branch that is usu. more representative and has the larger number of members.
upper house (often cap.) the smaller, less representative branch of a bicameral legislature, such as the U.S. Senate.