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anklet a decorative band or chain worn around the ankle. [1/2 definitions]
antimacassar a covering, usu. decorative, used on the back or arms of a chair or sofa to protect the upholstery.
apparel clothing, such as shirts, dresses, coats, and the like, esp. of a fine or decorative sort. [1/4 definitions]
architrave the decorative band or molding lining a door or window. [1/2 definitions]
art deco (sometimes cap.) a decorative style of the 1920s and 1930s that featured geometric shapes and bold colors and that was applied to furniture, glass and plastic ware, graphic productions, architecture, and the like.
barrette a small clasp, often decorative, used for holding a woman's or girl's hair in place.
bead to use beads to create decorative products. [1/8 definitions]
beading the decorative use of beads, as on dresses or purses; beadwork. [2/4 definitions]
bibelot a small curio or trinket, usu. kept or displayed as a decorative object.
binding a decorative or protective strip of fabric fastened to the edge of a piece of clothing, curtain, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
boa a long, narrow, decorative stole of fur, feathers, or other soft material. [1/2 definitions]
bodkin a long, decorative hairpin. [1/3 definitions]
border the decorative strip around the edge of something such as fabric or other crafted work. [2/6 definitions]
bouquet a decorative bunch of flowers. [1/2 definitions]
bowknot a decorative knot with large loops that is often used in ribbons, shoelaces, string, or the like; bow.
breastpin a decorative pin worn near the throat or on the chest; brooch.
bric-a-brac small miscellaneous decorative objects of value as antiques or curiosities.
bride2 a loop or tie of thread that joins decorative patterns in embroidery or needlework.
brogue2 a strong laced shoe, usu. having decorative perforations.
Byzantine of, pertaining to, or resembling the style of architecture or decorative art that is characteristic of the Byzantine Empire. [1/3 definitions]
candelabrum a large decorative candle holder with branches for several candles.