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bid to put out an offer to buy something at a certain price or to do a job for a certain price. [1/8 definitions]
branch to put out branches. [1/6 definitions]
call on to put out an official demand to (a person, agency, institution, or the like). [1/4 definitions]
damp to reduce or put out (a fire) by cutting off air flow. [1/8 definitions]
disjoint to put out of joint; dislocate. [1/5 definitions]
dislocate to put out of place, esp. in relation to other parts. [1/3 definitions]
dispossess to put out of possession or occupancy, esp. of real property.
double play in baseball, a single play in which two players are put out.
extend to put out or stretch out (an arm, hand, or other part of the body). [1/8 definitions]
extinguish to put out (a fire, flame, or light). [1/4 definitions]
fielder's choice in baseball, a fielder's decision, on a batted ground ball, to put out a base runner instead of the batter.
fire brigade (chiefly British) an organization that works to prevent and put out fires; fire department.
fire department a department of a city or town government that works to prevent and put out fires, or the persons employed in it.
forget to put out of one's mind; to rid oneself of a memory or memories. [1/10 definitions]
foul out of a baseball player, to be put out because of hitting a ball outside the foul lines that is caught before it touches the ground. [2 definitions]
house organ a publication put out periodically by a business or other organization for its employees, customers, or the like.
quench to extinguish or put out (a fire). [1/3 definitions]
retire in baseball, to put out. [1/7 definitions]
root1 to cause to put out roots or become implanted. [1/11 definitions]
rundown a baseball play in which a runner is put out when caught between bases. [1/2 definitions]
sacrifice in baseball, a hit that allows someone already on base to advance, though the hitter is put out. [2/11 definitions]