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Dictionary Suite
afraid feeling great reluctance, esp. because of fear. [1/3 definitions]
difficulty reluctance in agreeing with or accepting. [1/6 definitions]
disinclination a feeling of distaste; unwillingness or reluctance.
drag to cause (oneself or another) to move or go somewhere despite reluctance or lack of interest. [1/13 definitions]
force to bring about (something) despite there being reluctance or unwillingness. [1/14 definitions]
fork out (informal) to hand over, with some degree of reluctance.
fork over (informal) to give or pay, with some degree of reluctance.
fork up (informal) to hand over, with some degree of reluctance.
plod to move slowly or heavily, as if with weariness or reluctance; trudge. [2/5 definitions]
unwilling showing reluctance; not willing. [1/2 definitions]