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Dictionary Suite
clairaudience the alleged ability to perceive sounds not within hearing distance or not in the physical realm.
deanery the position, realm of authority, or residence of a church dean.
domain territory owned or controlled by a single ruler or government; realm. [1/5 definitions]
dominion the territory that a single ruler or government controls; realm; domain. [1/3 definitions]
empyrean the heavenly realm of pure fire or light, according to the ancients. [1/3 definitions]
kingdom any area or field that is thought of as being an independent realm. [1/3 definitions]
land a nation, country, or realm. [1/12 definitions]
lists any realm of combat, competition, or controversy. [1/3 definitions]
occult beyond the realm of human knowledge and understanding; mysterious or inscrutable. [1/8 definitions]
paranormal not explainable by scientific methods or on the basis of normal experience, esp. in the mental or psychic realm.
spiritual the realm of matters outside of the physical world (prec. by "the"). [1/7 definitions]
visitant someone or something from the spirit realm; specter; apparition. [1/3 definitions]