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cc1 abbreviation of "cubic centimeter" or "cubic centimeters."
cord a unit of volume used for fuel wood, equal to 128 cubic feet or 3.6 cubic meters, arranged in a pile measuring four by four by eight feet. [1/8 definitions]
cu. abbreviation of "cubic," having the volume of a cube whose edge is of a specific length.
cubical in the form of a cube; cubic. [1/2 definitions]
cubic measure a system of measurement of volume in which 1,728 cubic inches equal one cubic foot and 1,000 cubic millimeters equal one cubic centimeter.
cusec a unit for measuring volume of flowing fluid, equal to one cubic foot per second.
decastere a unit of volume equal to ten steres or cubic meters or 13.079 cubic yards.
decistere a unit of volume equal to one tenth of a stere or cubic meter or 3.532 cubic feet.
face cord a unit of volume used for fuel wood, equal to about to one third of a cord, or about forty cubic feet.
kiloliter a unit of capacity equal to one thousand liters or 264.2 gallons, or to one cubic meter or 1.308 cubic yards.
l1 abbreviation of "liter," or "liters," the basic unit of capacity of the metric system, equal to one cubic decimeter or 1.056 liquid quarts or 0.908 dry quart.
liter the basic unit of capacity of the metric system, equal to one cubic decimeter or 1.056 liquid quarts or 0.908 dry quart. (abbr.: l)
mil1 formerly, a milliliter or cubic centimeter. [1/2 definitions]
roentgen a unit of x-radiation or gamma radiation equal to the amount that produces, in 0.001293 gram or one cubic centimeter of dry air at zero degree Celsius and standard atmospheric pressure, one electrostatic unit of electricity.
stere a unit of volume equal to one cubic meter or 1.308 cubic yards.
ton a unit of interior capacity of ships, equal to one hundred cubic feet or 2.832 cubic meters; register ton. [3/7 definitions]