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charge to instruct with authority. [1/22 definitions]
didactic intended to educate or instruct, esp. in moral values. [1/2 definitions]
direct to command or instruct, or to control by giving orders or instructions. [2/14 definitions]
drill1 to instruct others in (a body of knowledge or skill) by means of a disciplined or repetitive procedure. [1/13 definitions]
educational tending to inform, instruct, or educate. [1/2 definitions]
indoctrinate to instruct in a particular set of ideas or beliefs. [1/2 definitions]
order to command or formally instruct. [1/17 definitions]
school1 to train or instruct. [1/8 definitions]
sermon a talk delivered by the leader of a congregation during a religious service, serving to instruct, enlighten, or inspire. [2 definitions]
teach to instruct by imparting knowledge or advice to. [2/7 definitions]
tutor to teach or instruct, esp. privately or individually. [1/6 definitions]