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Dictionary Suite
ballot to elicit a decision from (voters) by ballot. [1/6 definitions]
draw to attract or elicit. [1/19 definitions]
educe to bring out; draw forth; elicit. [1/2 definitions]
effect (pl.) sounds or visual images that are used to produce an effect on a listener or spectator, especially those used in film, television, sound recording, and the like to create visual or auditory illusions or elicit a heightened experience. [1/8 definitions]
pheromone any of a group of chemical substances produced by an animal to elicit a response or behavior from another animal of the same species.
Socratic method a method, used by Socrates, of teaching, arguing, or discussing in which a series of questions and answers is used to test definitions, clarify concepts, elicit admissions, or the like.
worm to elicit (information) by persistent or devious means (usu. fol. by "out" or "from"). [1/11 definitions]