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bloodbath a brutal and indiscriminate slaughter of many people or a whole population; massacre. [1/2 definitions]
ecocide the destruction of the environment or of ecological systems by indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, dumping of chemical wastes, the use of defoliants and pollutants, and the like.
hack2 to make trite or hackneyed by excessive or indiscriminate use. [1/10 definitions]
laundry list (informal) a lengthy, inclusive, and often indiscriminate list of data, names, agenda items, or the like, usu. regarded as showing lack of organization or ability to be selective.
massacre the indiscriminate killing of a large number of usu. defenseless people or animals. [2/4 definitions]
mongrel something of mixed origins, esp. arising from indiscriminate mixing of inharmonious things. [1/3 definitions]
promiscuous without any selectivity; indiscriminate. [1/3 definitions]
scattershot broadly indiscriminate; random.
undiscriminating made or done without discriminating; haphazard; broad-scale; indiscriminate. [1/2 definitions]
wholesale widespread, large-scale, or indiscriminate. [1/6 definitions]