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argon a chemical element of the inert gas group that has eighteen protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Ar)
helium a chemical element of the inert gas group that contains two protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a lighter-than-air gas often used for lifting power and in air-free atmospheres where an inert gas is required, as in welding. (symbol: He)
krypton an inert gaseous chemical element that has thirty-six protons in each nucleus, used esp. as the atmosphere in high-powered light bulbs. (symbol: Kr)
neon a chemical element of the inert gas group that has ten protons in each nucleus and that is used in liquid form as a refrigerant, and in gaseous form as an atmosphere for electrical discharge lamps because it glows a brilliant orange when excited by electricity. (symbol: Ne) [1/5 definitions]
-on2 used in naming inert gases.
radon a radioactive chemical element of the inert gas group that has eighty-six protons in each nucleus and that is produced by the radioactive decay of trace amounts of radium in the soil. (symbol: Rn)
spark chamber any of several devices using a great number of parallel, oppositely charged metal plates in an inert gas to detect subatomic particles, rays, or the like, which make trails of sparks between the plates.
xenon a chemical element of the inert gas group that has fifty-four protons in each nucleus and that is used as the atmosphere in fluorescent lamps because it glows with a blue light when excited by electricity. (symbol: Xe)