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binding requiring compliance; compulsory. [1/6 definitions]
conscription compulsory enrollment in military service.
draft the process of selecting persons for compulsory military duty. [2/18 definitions]
draft board a body of citizens who select men for compulsory U.S. military service.
draft dodger a person who attempts to avoid compulsory military service.
draftee one who has been drafted, esp. for compulsory military service.
hard labor compulsory physical labor imposed as part of a prison sentence.
obligatory required; compulsory. [1/2 definitions]
selective service a system of compulsory military service, or of selecting those who will serve therein.
servitude compulsory labor as a criminal penalty. [1/2 definitions]
SSS abbreviation of "Selective Service System," a system of compulsory military service, or of selecting those who will serve therein.