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driftwood wood that has been left upon a beach by water or is floating on water.
flume to transport or convey by water through a flume. [1/3 definitions]
hydraulic of, concerning, operated by, or moved by water or another liquid under pressure. [1/3 definitions]
island a body of land smaller than a continent and completely surrounded by water. [1/3 definitions]
isthmus a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses and bordered on its long sides by water. [1/2 definitions]
passage a journey, esp. one by water. [1/9 definitions]
pen. abbreviation of "peninsula," an area of land surrounded on nearly all sides by water, and connected to a mainland by a usu. narrow strip of land.
peninsula an area of land surrounded on nearly all sides by water, and connected to a mainland by a usu. narrow strip of land.
pervious subject to passage or entrance, as by water; permeable. [1/2 definitions]
raft1 a group of logs, barrels, or the like tied together for transport of the whole by water. [1/6 definitions]
refresh to make fresh again, as by watering. [1/5 definitions]
sail to travel by water; travel on a boat. [1/12 definitions]
scour1 to open up (a pipe, channel, or the like) by forcing water through, or to wear away by water erosion. [1/7 definitions]
sediment in geology, material deposited by water, wind, or ice. [1/2 definitions]
silt fine sediment deposited by water, as of earth, clay, or sand. [1/3 definitions]
undershot driven by water running underneath, as a vertical water wheel. [1/3 definitions]
water powered by water. [1/14 definitions]
water mill a mill with machinery that is driven by water.
waterproof not affected by water; not absorbent. [1/3 definitions]
water-repellent resisting penetration by water, but not entirely waterproof.
water-resistant resisting penetration by water, but not entirely waterproof.