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Auriga a winter constellation in the northern sky, located between Perseus and Gemini and containing the bright triple star Capella and several star clusters; Charioteer.
cancer (cap.) a spring zodiacal constellation located between Gemini and Leo; Crab. [1/5 definitions]
Canis Minor a winter constellation in the northern sky, located between Monoceros and Gemini and containing the bright star Procyon; Little Dog.
Castor a white triple star, each component of which is a double star, in the constellation Gemini, having a combined magnitude of 2.5.
Pollux a yellow star in the constellation Gemini, having a magnitude of 1.1.
Taurus a winter zodiacal constellation located between Aries and Gemini and near Orion, and containing the bright star Aldebaran, the Crab Nebula, and two star clusters, the Pleiades and the Hyades; Bull. [1/3 definitions]