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Alsatian one of a breed of large dogs having a thick brownish or black coat, often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for the blind; German shepherd.
angel a spirit who serves as a guide or guardian. [1/3 definitions]
body English a twisting of the body after launching, hitting, or kicking a ball, as if to guide its course.
bridle the part of a horse harness that includes the bit and reins and is used to guide or control. [2/5 definitions]
channel to guide in a preferred direction. [1/8 definitions]
cicerone a guide who shows and explains a place's history, features, or the like.
conduct to guide and lead. [1/10 definitions]
credit history a record of how somebody has repaid loans, credit card bills, and other debts, used as a guide by money lenders.
direct to give instructions that lead or guide. [2/14 definitions]
docent a lecturer or guide in a museum, historic home, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
dragoman in Near Eastern countries, an interpreter or guide.
escort a person or group of persons accompanying someone so as to protect, guard, guide, or show courtesy. [1/5 definitions]
exemplary serving as a model or guide. [1/4 definitions]
fail-safe of, pertaining to, or designating a system of military controls or precautions designed to activate and guide a response to an attack, esp. by air. [1/5 definitions]
follow to accept and obey as an authority, guide, or leader. [1/15 definitions]
food pyramid a pictorial guide developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to advocate healthy eating habits. It shows which types of foods should be eaten in lesser or greater amounts for good health.
German shepherd one of a breed of large dogs having a thick brownish or black coat, often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for the blind; Alsatian.
guillotine a device having a sharp blade that is dropped vertically between two guide posts in order to sever the head of the condemned person underneath. [1/2 definitions]
guru in Hinduism and some forms of Buddhism, a personal religious instructor and spiritual guide. [2/4 definitions]
guy2 a rope or similar device used to guide or secure something. [1/2 definitions]
halter1 a rope or strap with a bitless headstall that is set on the head or neck, as of a horse or ox, to restrain or guide the animal. [1/5 definitions]