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arrogate to ascribe or attribute to another without warrant. [1/2 definitions]
boatswain a warrant officer on a warship, or in domestic service a petty officer responsible for a ship's gear such as rigging, anchors, and the like.
enlisted man a member of the military who is neither a commissioned officer nor a warrant officer.
gunner a naval warrant officer specializing in guns, missiles, and other ordnance. [1/2 definitions]
justify to serve as adequate reason or reasonable grounds; warrant. [1/5 definitions]
magnify to make (something) seem more important, often inappropriately or without warrant. [1/4 definitions]
merit to warrant or deserve. [1/5 definitions]
NCO abbreviation of "noncommissioned officer," an enlisted member of the armed forces with an officer's rank below commissioned or warrant officers, such as a sergeant or corporal in the U.S. Army.
noncommissioned officer an enlisted member of the armed forces with an officer's rank below commissioned or warrant officers, such as a sergeant or corporal in the U.S. Army.
warrantable combined form of warrant.
warrantee one to whom a warrant has been made or given.
warrantless combined form of warrant.
warrant officer an officer in the U.S. armed forces that ranks above noncommissioned officers and below commissioned officers and holds office on a warrant instead of a commission.
worth good, valuable, or important enough to warrant. [1/8 definitions]