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Dictionary Suite
antitheft combined form of theft.
caper1 (informal) a theft or other crime, usu. involving planning and deception. [1/5 definitions]
crib (informal) a theft, esp. of another's writings; plagiarism. [1/12 definitions]
grand larceny the theft of goods or property exceeding a certain amount of money set by law. (Cf. petty larceny.)
klepto- stealing; theft.
larceny the stealing of another's personal property; theft.
petty larceny theft in which the value of the goods stolen does not exceed a relatively low amount determined by law. (Cf. grand larceny.)
purloin to purloin something; commit theft. [1/2 definitions]
register to cause (mail) to be officially recorded, so as to insure against loss or theft. [1/15 definitions]
ripoff (slang) a theft, exploitation, misrepresentation, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
security the securing of buildings, valuables, government secrets, and the like from intrusion or theft. [1/7 definitions]
steal to practice or commit theft. [1/9 definitions]
thieve to take the property of others without right; commit theft, esp. habitually. [1/2 definitions]
thievery an act or the practice of theft; stealing.