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Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca a Spanish explorer who, after landing on the cape of Florida in 1528 and being stranded in the Gulf coast region for 8 years, published an account of his survival and interaction with the native peoples under the title "La relación" (1542) (b.1490?--d.1557?).
asphalt jungle any large city, esp. when considered as the noisy, crowded arena of a struggle for survival.
beggar one who begs, esp. as a means of survival. [1/4 definitions]
biomedicine the branch of medicine concerned with human survival and functioning in abnormal environmental conditions.
bread this food as symbolic of the things necessary for survival. [1/4 definitions]
Darwinian theory Charles Darwin's theory that plants and animals evolved from early primitive life forms with variation caused by natural selection and survival of the fittest. (See evolution.)
ecosystem a community of living things that interact with each other for their survival, together with their surrounding environment.
environment the set of things and conditions that constitute the sphere in which a particular type of organism lives and that have an impact on its physical growth and survival. [1/3 definitions]
exist to maintain one's being or survival; endure; survive. [1/3 definitions]
imitative in biology, closely resembling in features important to survival; mimetic. [1/3 definitions]
mimesis the imitation or mimicry by an organism of environmental features or of other organisms as a means of survival. [1/2 definitions]
mimicry the imitation by an organism of its environment or of other organisms as a means of survival. [1/2 definitions]
parasitism the method of existence or survival of a parasite. [1/2 definitions]
peregrine falcon a very swift falcon whose survival was seriously endangered by the pesticide DDT in the 195s and 1960s.
predation the method of survival that involves capturing and feeding on prey. [1/2 definitions]
self-sufficient dependent solely on oneself for the means of support or survival.
streetwise informed about what goes on and highly adapted for survival in a city, esp. the more sordid sections; street-smart.
survivalist one who believes that a disaster such as nuclear war or social upheaval is likely to occur and who attempts to ensure his or her survival by building shelter in a remote area, hoarding food and supplies, and the like.
triage a system of determining priority of medical treatment, on the basis of need, chances of survival, and the like, to victims on a battlefield or in a hospital emergency ward. [1/2 definitions]
vigor capacity for healthy growth and survival, esp. in a living organism. [1/3 definitions]