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Dictionary Suite
digital computer the type of computer in widest use, that represents data as discrete electrical signals and operates at high speed. (Cf. analog computer.)
organelle a discrete structure within a cell, such as a nucleus, that has a specialized, organlike function.
phone2 a discrete speech sound.
programmed instruction a program of study divided into discrete units that students may complete at their own pace, being required only to finish one unit before advancing to the next.
quantization in mathematics, the process of converting a continuous set of values into a discrete set.
quantum a discrete and irreducible unit of measurement, such as the spin of an elementary particle. [1/3 definitions]
step-up an increase, as in rate or quantity, esp. one taking place in discrete stages. [3 definitions]
synthesis the combining of discrete elements into a unified compound or entity, or the unified whole formed by such a combining. (Cf. analysis.) [1/3 definitions]
unitize to separate into single discrete units. [1/2 definitions]