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hermaphrodite brig a sailing ship with a foremast that has square sails and a mainmast that has sails parallel to the keel.
mainsail the principal, lowermost sail on the mainmast of a sailing ship.
mainstay a strong rope or cable that secures and stabilizes the mainmast of a sailing ship. [1/2 definitions]
maintop the platform positioned at the head of the mainmast on a square-rigged sailing vessel.
main-topmast the section of the mainmast on a sailing vessel that is positioned between the top and lower masts.
main yard the lowest transverse spar or pole on the mainmast, used to set the mainsail on a sailing vessel.
skysail the uppermost sail on the mainmast of a square-rigged ship.
yawl a two-masted sailing ship having a large mainmast on the foredeck and a smaller mizzenmast behind the rudderpost. (Cf. ketch.) [1/2 definitions]