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automatism automatic, mechanical, or involuntary action, as in the operation of many bodily organs, in the actions of one not in conscious control, such as a sleepwalker, or in the suspension of conscious control so as to allow subconscious expression, as in art. [1/2 definitions]
Oedipus complex in psychoanalytic theory, the subconscious desire of a child for sexual gratification through the parent of the opposite sex, esp. the desire of a son for his mother. (Cf. Electra complex.)
psychoanalysis a method of studying and treating mental disorders and illnesses by analyzing dreams, early childhood memories, and other experiences as keys to the subconscious mind.
surrealism (sometimes cap.) an artistic and literary movement of the twentieth century that attempts to depict the subconscious mind with dream imagery, fantastic juxtapositions, and other unusual effects.