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blood disposition; temperament. [1/7 definitions]
bulldog like a bulldog in temperament or strength. [1/3 definitions]
constitution one's mental character or condition; temperament. [1/6 definitions]
daffy (informal) silly, foolish, crazy, or weak-minded in mood or temperament.
disposition a predominant or prevailing mood or temperament, as of a person or the weather. [1/6 definitions]
headed having a head or temperament of (such) a type (usu. used in combination). [1/2 definitions]
high-spirited enthusiastic, fiery, or courageous in temperament or behavior.
humor a mood, temperament, or state of mind. [1/5 definitions]
idiosyncrasy a characteristic of temperament, habit, or physical structure particular to a given individual or group; peculiarity. [1/2 definitions]
ill-natured showing a disagreeable temperament; bad-tempered; nasty.
makeup the essential character or temperament of a person. [1/4 definitions]
mettle inherent temperament; character. [1/2 definitions]
nature disposition; temperament. [1/9 definitions]
-natured having or showing (such) a nature, character, or temperament.
sanguine having an optimistic temperament or outlook. [1/3 definitions]
saturnine gloomy, sullen, or cynical in temperament or appearance. [1/4 definitions]
simpatico alike in temperament, tastes, or the like; compatible; congenial.
steady sober and controlled in temperament; calm. [1/11 definitions]
sweet gentle or pleasant in temperament; good-natured; lovable. [1/14 definitions]
sweeten to make kinder or more pleasant in temperament; soften. [1/5 definitions]
temperamental of, concerning, or caused by temperament. [1/3 definitions]