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boo used to express, usu. loudly, disagreement, disapproval, or derision. [2/5 definitions]
Bronx cheer (informal) a sound of derision and contempt made by vibrating the tongue and lips while exhaling forcibly; raspberry.
ho used to express joy, surprise, or derision. [1/2 definitions]
la-di-da an expression of derision at affectation or pretentiousness. [1/3 definitions]
laugh to express amusement, happiness, mirth, derision, or other emotions by making nonverbal sounds with the mouth and distorting the face in an expression like a smile (often fol. by "about" or "at"). [1/6 definitions]
laughable exciting laughter or derision.
laughing provoking or worthy of derision or ridicule; laughable. [1/3 definitions]
laughter the expression of mirth, merriment, or derision. [1/2 definitions]
mockery contempt, derision, or ridicule, or an instance of this. [1/4 definitions]
quizzical expressing skepticism or derision; mocking. [1/3 definitions]
ridicule language or actions that make unkind fun of someone or something; mockery; derision. [1/2 definitions]
scoff to speak with mild scorn or derision (often fol. by "at"). [1/2 definitions]
scorn undisguised contempt; derision. [3/5 definitions]
smile to have a facial expression in which the corners of the mouth turn up and the eyes brighten, usu. to express pleasure, happiness, or amusement, but sometimes to express derision. [1/6 definitions]
sneer to utter with derision or contempt. [1/5 definitions]