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air hole an open place in the frozen surface of a lake, pond, or stream. [1/3 definitions]
austerity a tightened or stringent economy, as when there are high taxes, frozen wages, and shortages of consumer goods. [1/3 definitions]
bombe a frozen dessert consisting of two or more different kinds of ice cream, often with a light, frothy center made of eggs and sugar, frozen in a melon-shaped mold.
convenience food partially or fully processed food, such as a frozen meal, that can be quickly prepared.
deep-freeze to store (frozen food). [1/2 definitions]
defrost to cause or allow (frozen food) to thaw. [1/3 definitions]
frappé a mixture flavored with fruit or fruit juice, frozen to a mush, and served as a dessert. [1/3 definitions]
freeze the act of freezing or state of being frozen. [1/17 definitions]
freeze frame a technique in which a single frame of film is repeated a number of times to create the illusion that the action has been stopped or frozen, as to resemble a still photograph.
frost a light, white covering of dew or water vapor frozen into ice crystals. [1/9 definitions]
frosted frozen or frostbitten. [1/4 definitions]
gelati an Italian frozen dessert made of milk, sugar, gelatin, and flavoring.
glaciate to be frozen or enveloped with ice or glaciers; freeze over. [1/3 definitions]
hail2 pellets of frozen rain or a storm of such pellets. [1/5 definitions]
hoarfrost a white coating of tiny ice crystals that forms on the ground and other surfaces on some cold nights; frozen dew.
ice water in a frozen, solid state. [3/12 definitions]
icebound held fast by ice; frozen in. [1/2 definitions]
ice cream a rich, sweet, frozen food made by churning cream and milk products to a smooth consistency while freezing, and often flavored.
ice milk a kind of frozen dessert similar to ice cream but made with skim milk rather than cream.
ice shelf a thick layer of glacial ice that is frozen solid near shore but floats as it extends out to sea.
nonfrozen combined form of frozen.