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Dictionary Suite
calico resembling calico; multicolored; spotted. [1/3 definitions]
coleus any of various African or Eurasian plants of the mint family, grown for their attractive multicolored leaves.
harlequin (often cap.) a clown in Italian popular comedy of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, traditionally masked and dressed in multicolored diamond-patterned tights. [1/3 definitions]
polychrome having many or varied colors; multicolored. [2/4 definitions]
rainbow multicolored display or array. [1/2 definitions]
sand painting a ceremony performed by Navajo Indians in which multicolored sand is sprinkled to create various designs. [1/2 definitions]
sprinkle (pl.) tiny bits of chocolate or tiny multicolored sweets used for decorating and enhancing the top of desserts such as ice cream or cupcakes. [1/9 definitions]
variegate to make varied or give variety to, esp. by making multicolored.