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catnip a downy, strongly scented plant of the mint family that is attractive to cats.
dusty miller any of various flowering plants and herbs having whitish, downy or woolly foliage.
gloxinia any of several tropical houseplants with large downy leaves and bell-shaped flowers of various colors.
marabou any of several large storks of Africa or the East Indies that have downy feathers under the wings and tail. [1/3 definitions]
mold2 a surface growth of fungus, often fuzzy or downy, that forms on stale, damp, or decaying matter. [1/4 definitions]
nappy2 covered with nap; downy; fuzzy.
peach a soft, juicy, edible fruit that has downy yellow or reddish skin and a single large rough stone. [1/4 definitions]
pilose covered with hair, esp. soft fine hair; downy or furry.
rose mallow any of several plants related to mallow, esp. a tall North American marsh species that has downy leaves and bears large, showy, white or pink flowers.